Meditation Course

4 sessions.

1 potent ancient technique.

A lifetime of benefits. 

For those ready for real change.


How this technique is different:

  • It’s thousands of years old and practiced by millions of people

  • It quiets your mind without any effort on your part

  • No need to find somewhere quiet where you can be alone 

  • No uncomfortable positions or suffering of any kind

  • No dragging your feet to do it

  • No waiting a long time to get good at it and to see results


How this course is different:


Live and interactive:

Having someone coach you and answer questions in real time is by far the most effective way to learn any skill.



I meet you where you’re at and make meditation work for YOU. 



As a busy working mom I keep it real. We focus on how to realistically fit meditation into your busy life.



Anyone can call themselves a meditation teacher, but I’ve been extensively trained and teaching for almost a decade.



You’ll find meditation easy and lighthearted, and enjoy learning.



In just 4 90-minute sessions you’ll have mastered the technique and have everything you need.


You’ll have a changed relationship with meditation. You’ll look forward to it and wonder why it seemed so complicated before.

You’ll see swift and concrete improvements:

Less stress, and more resilience

Reduced anxiety
and overwhelm

A more positive outlook

Better sleep and
more energy

Heightened focus
and productivity


Less reactivity, more
emotional stability

Better health and
delayed aging

Being present and
enjoying your life

and so much more.

woman meditating beside active toddler | Vedic meditation.jpg

I’ve never had a client who couldn’t master this technique or who didn’t experience benefits.

(This includes those with small kids, demanding jobs, or whatever it is that has been standing in your way.)

Within days of taking Jess’s class the benefits have been shocking. I’m way less stressed. I am more energized, need less sleep and feel like there is more time in the day. I have less of a desire to drink alcohol or eat junk food, and have lost weight without doing anything different. If I get frustrated I can separate myself from my thoughts which I never thought was possible. This course was BEYOND worth it—I’d pay ten times it, no question.
— Erin, Healthcare Worker
I had a fraught relationship with meditation. I liked the idea but couldn’t make it a habit. I was shocked by how easy this method was and the speed with which I felt positive effects, starting with the immediate dissipation of stress and anxiety. Things bother me less, I have a more positive outlook and I’m nicer. I can take more on, am more creative and find myself in the flow.
— Nic, Engineer
Taking a course like this was infinitely better than any kind of self-study. I finally have the tangible tools I need. I can’t believe how much I enjoy meditating and that I’ve stuck with it. I sleep better, feel less pressure, am less prone to upset and make better decisions.
— Dave, Tech Founder
Within days of working with Jess my insomnia stopped,and within a few weeks my anxiety was GONE. Neither I or my therapist can believe what a game changer it has been – more so than anything else I have ever done.
— Ivory, Event Planner

Available online anywhere, or

in-person in the San Francisco area

Group Meditation Course


Online: $650

Private Meditation Course


Online: $950

In-Person: cost dependent on number of participants
and location. Contact me to learn more

It is neither exaggeration nor cliche to say that this class has been life changing. For the first time in my life, after 15 years of trying, I now meditate daily. Jess is an amazing teacher - accessible and fun with an intimate knowledge of the constraints of modern life.
— Erin, Diplomat
In the very first session I was transported. I find myself craving meditation now instead of coffee. I can feel the release of stress and a feeling of calm wash over me. I’m multitasking with greater ease, on my phone less, more present and more grateful. I’m sharing all of this with my kids and we all feel the shift.
— Ali, Teacher